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Charcoal portrait drawing by Hugh Appleton
Charcoal portrait drawing by Hugh Appleton
Charcoal portrait drawing by Hugh Appleton
Portrait in oils by Hugh Appleton
Portrait in oils by Hugh Appleton
Charcoal portrait drawing by Hugh Appleton
Charcoal portrait drawing by Hugh Appleton
Charcoal portrait drawing by Hugh Appleton
Charcoal portrait drawing by Hugh Appleton
Portrait in oils by Hugh Appleton
Oil painting of the figure by Hugh Appleto
Landscape painting in oils by Hugh Appleton
Portrait in pencil and chalk by Hugh Appleton
Life drawing in charcoal by Hugh Appleton
Charcoal portrait drawing by Hugh Appleton
Portrait in pencil by Hugh Appleton
Portrait in pencil by Hugh Appleton
Portrait sketch in oils by Hugh Appleton
Life drawing in pencil by Hugh Appleton
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'I enjoyed your 3-day Portrait Painting in Oils course at The Poly. I usually use other mediums and subjects and was keen to get rid of my hang-ups about using oils and doing portraits. I found your tips about medium mixing and using a limited palette useful and came away from the course feeling more confident. Support from the others in the small group was good and the models were amazing!'

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